Company Overview

Contributing to a healthier life for humanity
GC Genome strives to propose accurate treatments and realize personalized medicine for the betterment of human health.
Leading the genomic analysis market with expertise
GC Genome is a pioneer in clinical genomic analysis, recognized for its growth as a global leader.

About GC Genome
Providing genomic testing services that anyone can do, but we do best.
Developing and offering new genomic tests with proprietary technology.
From Diagnosis to Treatment
Securing core technologies for gene therapy based on genomic diagnostic expertise.
CI (Corporate Identity)
GC Genome introduces a new identity encapsulating its vision.
The GC symbol reflects the company’s dedication to humanity, driven by relentless passion and dynamic leadership, aiming to create innovative solutions that enable healthier lives worldwide. The GC logotype represents the brand’s “voice,” expressed through typography that highlights its technological capabilities and expertise in the health industry.
Symbolism of the CI
The red cross symbolizes a history of passion and challenge, while the green cross represents a future of health and prosperity. Together, they illustrate GC’s dynamic journey as a global leader in the health industry.

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