Greenbiome GUT

Knowing all bout microbiomes in your body
and getting personalized health guideline

“90% of human diseases are related to gut microbiome”

Why the balance of the GUT microbiome is important?

The number of microbiome existing in human body

50-100 trillion

The weight of microbiome existing in human body

2kg (4.40lb)

The number of microbiome compared to human cells

2times +a

Types of gut microbiome

5,000 species

*Reference : J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2014 Nov-Dec;29(6):479-81.

What is Greenbiome Gut?

Greenbiome Gut can screen microbiome related to Obesity, Irritable bowel syndrome, Chronic diseases, Cardiovascular disease related to meat diet, Arteriosclerosis, Depression, Rheumatoid arthritis and Degenerative macular degeneration at once.

Who is Greenbiome Gut recommended for?

Greenbiome can analyze major diseases.

  • Microbiome is a compound word of Microbe + Biome, meaning microorganisms and its genetic information.
  • With a recent genetic test method, a number of diseases and relevant microbiome are tested in an accurate manner.
  • Microbiome is a compound word of Microbe + Biome, meaning microorganisms and its genetic information.

Who should consider to have Greenbiome Gut?

How does Greenbiome Gut works?

Prevent oral disease by analyzing
17 periodontitis and Cavity-related microbes

Why the balance of the GUM microbiome is important?

Oral Microbiome is the Key cause of Disease

The number of microbiome existing in human body

50-100 trillion

The number of microbiome compared to human cells

2times +a

What is Greenbiome Perio&Denti?

Greenbiome Perio&Denti can screen microbiome related to Obesity, Irritable bowel syndrome, Chronic diseases, Cardiovascular disease related to meat diet, Arteriosclerosis, Depression, Rheumatoid arthritis and Degenerative macular degeneration at once.

What is Greenbiome Gut?

Who should consider to have Greenbiome Perio & Denti?

How does Greenbiome Perio&Denti works?

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