- Test Code: ON083
Test Description
This test is for diagnosing lymphoma, evaluating the prognosis, and determining the treatment policy. DNA is extracted from bone marrow or blood and mutation information of 66 genes is analyzed. SNV and small indel mutations can be detected, and the detection sensitivity of the mutation is about 5%.
Ordering information
- Turnaround time: 14 Days
- Specimen: EDTA WB 3ml or EDTA BM 3ml
Assay information
- Target Region: 66 genes
- Tested Panel: Lymphoma Panel
- Target Enrichment Method: Hybridization with oligonucleotide probes (Lymphoma v2301.1)
- Massively Parallel Sequencing: Nextseq550DX (150bp * 2 paired-ends)
- Bioinformatic Pipeline: BI_HEM.v.1.0 (Alignment: BWA, Variant calling: VarScan2_GATK)
- Reference Genome: GRCh37/hg19
- COSMIC (http://cancer.sanger.ac.uk)
- c-bioportal (http://www.cbioportal.org)
- Cancer Hotspots (http://cancerhotspots.org)
- OncoKB (http://oncokb.org)
- My Cancer Genome (https://www.mycancergenome.org/)
- The Clinical Knowledgebase (https://ckb.jax.org/)
- WHO classification of tumors of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues(revised 4th edition)
- NCCN guidelines®

The test results will be provided according to the designated TAT. Review the sample report to see how the results are structured.
- This test was performed using sequencing analysis. It can detect SNP and small-indel variants within the analyzed region, but not structural variations such as copy number variation (CNV) and gene rearrangement.
- The limit of detection for SNV and small-indel variants is approximately 5%.
- The detected variants in this test are not re-confirmed by Sanger sequencing, ddPCR or other confirmation methods.
- This test does not distinguish between germline and somatic variants. If the variant allele frequency of the mutation is close to 50% or 100%, the possibility of a germline variant cannot be excluded.
- The variants detected in this test are classified into four (tier 1~4) according to the 2017 JMD guideline (J Mol Diagn 2017;19:313-327), and tier 4 variants are not reported.
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